Mallorca: A road bike tour to Cap Formentor

Mallorca, supposedly the favorite island of German racing cyclists, has been luring me for years to take a spring trip with friends or family. Of the numerous tours we have completed over the years, today I want to tell you about a trip to Cap Formentor.


Since 2008, I have been cycling on Mallorca with friends or family, or with family and friends. We usually planned our vacation so that we were on our way back before Easter when it gets busy down there. Today I want to introduce a tour that I did for the first time in 2010. It went from Playa de Muro to Cap Formentor and then back through the hinterland. We were led by Mareen Hufe, who has since won several Ironman races in her age group and has recently been successful as a professional.

The Tour

As always, we started in front of the Hotel Playa Esperanza on Playa de Muro. The ride along the coast to beyond Port de Pollenca was just the right way to warm up. Up to the viewpoint on the first saddle, we climbed to around 200 m. And then over the next 3 km, the path took us almost to sea level again, only to climb again to over 200 m over the next 7 km. From there, it was a slight downhill ride to the lighthouse.

After a short break, we headed back the same way. On the way, the road leads through a short tunnel, which is unlit. And of course, we didn’t have any lights with us. When a car overtook us in our lane, I started to get a little nervous. There wouldn’t have been any room to swerve. Fortunately, the driver stopped the overtaking maneuver in time.

On the way, the view down to the sea opened up now and then. I have to admit, however, that I took the photos of the cliffs on another occasion when we were driving the route leisurely by car.

After the viewpoint, we went downhill again and drove more or less straight until we stopped in Pollenca for a coffee.

From Pollenca, the path meandered through the valley towards Campanet. But before we got to Campanet, we turned off to Sa Pobla and from there we went straight back to the hotel. After a delicious dinner, we had a café con leche and one or two “cold drinks” on the terrace.


A beautiful tour, which is quite challenging on the climbs out to the cape. The path through the unlit gully is not for the faint-hearted. A flashlight is a real option. Since the tour described in 2010, the road has also been rebuilt, so you no longer have to constantly watch out for potholes. If you are in Mallorca, be sure to plan the trip.