What are important things to consider when looking for a helmet?
A bit long-winded! Others have prob said most, or you already know, if anything read paragraph 5, it might help. Firstly and never buy a helmet because it “looks cool” A lot of motorcycle gear is designed to attract buyers into a purchase because it just looks so damn good!! But doesn’t do much in the event of an accident.
Be prepared to spend some money, let’s be honest, do you want to end up brain damaged if not dead because you chose to save a few hundred dollars? So save your money until you have enough to buy the best you possibly can, I fully understand that we can’t all afford the best, I know I certainly can’t! My situation was that I needed my bike for transport quickly, I sacrificed a lot and spent $500.00 that I didn’t have to spend, on a mid-range helmet, and I intend to upgrade as soon as I can. (prices obviously will vary greatly depending on where you’re from, I’m in Australia, so very expensive!)
Optimal Helmet Fit
Now something you may not be aware of regarding helmet fit. Don’t make the mistake that I did when I purchased my first helmet! And that is, you find a helmet, it fits your head well, so you try the different sizes, the small one you can’t get over your head, won’t work, the medium one fits, but damn it uncomfortable and tight, the large one fits nicely and is comfortable, the extra large one is too big, and wobbles around on your head, so no good, which do you naturally choose? The large one because it fits well and is nice and comfortable right? WELL DONE! Because it’s not right! I can guarantee you that 6 months down the track that comfy helmet will be wobbling around on your head and be almost useless!! Choose the medium one.
Choosing the Right Helmet
A good experiment to do is, when you put a new helmet on, and open your mouth, does your cheeks pop through your teeth? Then good, because that’s what you want. Depending on how often you intend to ride, your first 15–20 rides will feel uncomfortable, but then the helmet padding will begin to mold to the shape of your face, when this happens you will have a helmet that is a perfect fit and super comfortable!!! This is another reason why we never allow someone else to wear our helmets, because our helmets are very personal everything about motorcycles is very personal. Always choose certified ratings, the code varies from country to country, so look into your country’s certified rating codes, and if possible choose racing certified.